Channel Seed
Radio + direct mail
When harvest time comes around, farmers get inundated with ads from seed companies. Instead of adding to the noise, we created communications that strip away the excess and get straight to the bottom line.
I wrote and directed radio spots that aired in our target regions. They were written to play with the format, showing that we didn’t even need a full 30 seconds to make our point. Another campaign highlight was our direct mail piece. If customers opted in to communications, they received a gift packaged with shredded promotions from our competitors — because Channel Seed offers advice, not advertising.
VO: Adult male, 30s or 40s. Midwestern with a deep, warm timbre. Hardworking but not too gritty.
MUSIC: Slightly distorted guitar chords, drums and keyboard following a basic 12-bar blues style progression.
You need harvest results — not another radio ad.
So let's get to the point.
Channel Seedsmen expertly place products to perform in your fields.
And the results can speak for themselves.
Get yield results from your area and less yapping at Channel-dot-com-slash-yield.
Huh. I guess less talking means more time for music. Classic rock, anyone?
Accessible classic rock-sounding music plays for the remaining 10 seconds.
[over the music]: That’s Channel-dot-com-slash-yield for local harvest results.
[Legal disclaimer, to be read over the music]: Always read and follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions.
Direct Mail
response from a prospect
Whoever is running @ChannelSeed marketing department. Bravo. This is grade A @Wendys shade.
— Lukas Fricke (@LukasFricke) February 2, 2021